Journalistic texts of high quality improve the company communication significantly

KHT Media GmbH is representing quality and well-known and precise Swiss-work. That is the reason why we rely on journalists, on professionals who learned their profession from the bottom up, when it comes to the creation of texts and content. Thereby we go by the linguistic customs of the respective country. For example: while the British English use the ‘lift’, our American English friends prefer the ‘elevator’.

Our text products

  • Smart press releases, which are specifically orientated to editors
  • Thrilling news posts, which whet your users appetite
  • Interesting blog posts, which will gain you more regular users
  • Keywords-based SEO texts, which provide success in every search engine

Well written texts are the basis of a successful web site

One of the key factors for your success in the internet is the written content of your web appearance. The written words on your web site are the decisive factors for the search engine ranking of it. At first it was possible to get good rankings with bad content, but nowadays Google and Co. are easily capable of differentiating a good text from a bad one. The search engine are browsing the whole internet for the most valuable texts and display them and their pages on the first page of their results. Therefore a badly written page has not a single chance anymore.
Many web masters did not realise or internalised this development and still try to convince the search engines and their customers and save money with plain and bog-standard web sites. Once again, you have to be aware of one thing: especially google is able to differentiate between high-quality and inferior articles.

What does that mean for you and your internet appearance?

If you start to save money at the wrong end, you will get your comeuppance sooner or later. We often see, that customers who request our help, have really appealing web sites, but then they start to fill the page with poorly written, third-class, textual content which is not only full of misspellings, but beyond that even irrelevant and petty. In the end all the hard work was for nothing, because the most important ingredient is missing here – the interesting and informative content, which provides the real value for the reader and therefore is able to make him stay longer on the page and keep the bouncing rate at the minimum.

And at that point we are here for you. Let us compile worth reading content for you and excel with a professional website.

Unique content for your first-class web appearance

The competition is versatile in the online sector and the contest for customers is hard. Meanwhile, it became more than clear, that none but quality is able to win trough.

You have to stand out from your rivals and offer your customers something unique, which interests, informs and motivates them. But not everybody is capable of creating valuable and more importantly unique content and this is emphasized all the more if they have to do so according to all rules of the SEO-art. However, that is exactly what we are doing. It is our passion and we made it our aim to fill your web page with unique articles and posts.

The content of your web page is your business card

There are and will probably be multiple occasions in your life where you rely on the advice or work of a professional. Or did you have a crazy idea and now you are cutting your own hair? Don’t think so! At the first glance it seems like everybody can write texts – because almost everybody can write -, even so we leave that kind of work to professionals, who do it almost every day and who developed a routine for that.

Professional writing is not primarily about talent, moreover it is the result of traditional handicraft, where you get the better the longer you work. As someone who runs a web site it is highly significant, that your web presence successes. Thereby the content on your page work as a business card for you your company and or your product. It is your figurehead and decides whether you have to accept success or defeat.

If you let experts, for example us, create those texts and your content, top quality results are assured. We create your texts, starting from serious press releases up to casual, easy going blog posts and every single article promises to meet every single textual requirements of yours and that on a qualified and expedient level with outstanding conditions.

With the help of content created and rehashed by us, you will be able to increase the traffic on your web site significantly and therefore the search engine ranking, which improves the reputation of your business and in the end guarantees – besides several other factors – customer retention on a long-term basis.

Prizes for different kinds of texts

The prizes for valuable and journalistic work are outstandingly attractive. All texts are being drafted by editors and adapted to your individual needs and requirements.

  • A press release / handout with 500 words: 49.-
  • An informative article as a news article (with 600 words): 59.-
  • SEO-texts (basis: 500 words), adapted to your keywords: 49.-

For additional information call us under 0041 41 511 48 41, or write us an e-mail to

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